Sunday, October 21, 2007

The Story of my Life

The Story of my Life

I was born in Havana Cuba, and this is where I attended elementary school. Through out elementary school I was a straight A student. I was one of the most brilliant students in my class. My favorite teacher in elementary was Melissa. She was very nice and sweet with me, she loved me very much, and she frequently visited my house, and even had dinner with me and my parents. For me she was like my second mother.

After graduating from elementary school, I also attended middle school in my country. By that time I had a lot of friends that were my classmates in elementary. By the end of middle school my parents told me that we were going to go live to the United States. I was very unhappy, due to the fact that I was going to have to leave Cuba and all of my friends behind as well as all of my professors that I loved so much and grew up with. I was worried because I knew that coming to this country I would have to meet new friends and get used to a different way of living.

When I came to the United States, I started to attend high school. It was really difficult to me, because I had to learn a new language. I also had a lot of difficulties to adapt to the system of this country. I was very depressed in school because I didn’t have any friends, but I tried to do my best to learn English and to get good grades on my classes. By the middle of high school I was more confident on myself and I had some friends that helped me. For me school here was harder than in my country because I had to start from zero.

After I graduated from high school, I w to went to college. I’m now attending Miami Dade College. Now I feel more positive on myself because I was able to adapt to this country and I learned the language. Now I want to finish college so I can be able to go to a University in which I want to study Computer Science. I’m going to try to do my best so I can reach my ultimate goal.

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