Sunday, October 21, 2007

The Ugly Girl

The Ugly Girl

On a summer vacation of 1984 in Miami, a mother gave birth to a little girl. Her name was

Emily. Through out the first years of Emily growing up, she was not a pretty girl. She was very

white with a lot of freckles, and she used to wear some big glasses. When Emily stared to attend

elementary school, she wasn’t very happy, Due to the fact that all the kids that surrounded her

used to make fun on her and they use to call her names like the Ugly Girl. She had a lot of

difficulties trough out elementary school, but she had one person who never thought that she

was ugly a lot, that person was her mother. Her mother gave her a lot of support and her

mother helped her a lot. But even though Emily had the love of her mother, she wanted to have

friends like any little kid. Emily used to suffer a lot, every day when she got from school she will

go to her room to cry, she didn’t have no one to play or to talk, only her mother. Her mother

also suffered a lot with this situation. Years past and she went to high school, then, her physical

appearance started to change. She became a beautiful girl with really long black hair, and she

had a really nice body. She was even in a model agency, because she loved to model. All the boys

that used to be her classmates in elementary started to like her, and they started to ask her out,

hey wanted to take her in date, but she refused, she told each and every one of them how much

she suffered and cried, and how miserable was her life when she was a little girl because all of

them used to treat her bad and they used to make fun of her. By the time Emily reached

College, there was not even one guy that wouldn’t ask her out. All the guys will go crazy when

they saw her walking. She was the most beautiful girl in the entire college. She went to a model

competition here in Miami, and she won the first place and she became Miss Miami. Her mother

was really proud of her daughter. Emily also felt very proud of her self. And she thought inside

of her, “I never dreamed of such happiness as this, while I was the ugly girl in school.

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